Vova Stegantsov

digital product designer

bold ideas
simple design
constantly improving

2023 – unfinished
London, United Kingdom


A radically simpler and faster analytics for everyone. Edit, pivot and chart data from 10 rows to 10 million. Share and explain your work in the easiest-to-use notebook around.

2022 – unfinished

The essence of various decades and places around the world
captured on photographic film

2011 – unfinished

Past technology, sounds and methods remixed to create new music atmospheres. Captured on various audio recording media

2008 – unfinished

Present-day photography. Things I observe daily around me. Captured on various digital cameras.

2016 – 2018
Moscow, Russia


Improving and updating interfaces for 6 million daily users. Generating and iterating concepts of how future communication, news delivery, and planning can work. Performing a lot of a/b tests and interviews with users to find the best solutions.


© 1991 – unfinished